Our power washing prices are dependent on the size of your home, how many walls we need to clean, what kind of siding and more.
We want to provide you with the cheapest and best solution for your cleaning needs.
There are many factors we consider before we submit prices.
Please call for more information and pricing.
Roof cleaning starts at $150.00 to remove black streaks and mold.
We offer free bids.
Gutter cleaning starts at $60.00
Window cleaning is $6.00 per window, any size window, inside and out.
We remove screens, wash window, wipe sills and replace screens.
Window with grids are $2.00 more per window if we have to remove and replace grids.
Windows with fixed grids are $8.00 each.
French doors are $10.00 each.
Bathroom mirrors are $6.00 each any size.
Driveways power washing starts at $65.00.
This will include any sidewalks connected to the driveway.
All other concrete cleaning is bid per home per square footage.
Deck cleaning starts at $150.00. Some smaller decks can be done for $100.00.
Sealing and staining is quoted per square footage.